Download KeePassX from http://www.keepassx.org/
It is a zip file, just unzip it in some directory and one is good to go.
Start KeePassX
Using KeePassX one can create a new database. This database is a file on local file system in which it stores everything encrypted. Every database will have a master password which will be used to encrypt everything.
Provide master password
Save the database in some file
KeePassX currently uses the KeePass 1.x (Classic) password database format as the native format.
Syncing this file on various devices
- Since the database is just an encrypted file, any cloud based sync service can be used. I have used dropbox for the same.
- Via dropbox the file will be available on all other machines, tablets and mobile phones.
- On all other machines, same KeePassX can be used to open up the file.
- On IOS MiniKeePass can be used to open up the file.
Why is it safe to keep this file in public dropbox
To generate the final 256-bit key that is used for the block cipher, KeePass first hashes the user’s password using SHA-256, then encrypts the result N times using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm (called key transformation rounds from on now), and then hashes it again using SHA-256. For AES, a random 256-bit key is used, which is stored in the database file.
As the AES transformations aren’t pre-computable (key is random), an attacker has to perform all the encryptions, too, otherwise he cannot try and see if the current key is correct.
Nothing prevents an attacker to just try all possible keys and look if the database decrypts. But what KeePass does is to make it harder.