Below is the code of transient analysis of CMOS inverter using ngspice with 130nm technology. Transient analysis time varying behavior of the system. Please add technology file - “”, given in last, in the working folder before running the code.
*Transient Analysis of CMOS Inverter
.include ;
.param supply = 1.2V **Supply Voltage
.param length = 130n **Length
.param wpmos=2500n wnmos=1000n **width of pmos and nmos
vsupply vdd 0 {supply}
vgnd vss 0 0V
* Inputs to transistors
vin va vss PULSE(0 {supply} 2NS 2NS 2NS 50NS 100NS)
******************MOSFETs drain gate source body
Mpa vout va vdd vdd pmos l={length} w={wpmos} ; pmos
Mna vout va vss vss nmos l={length} w={wnmos} ; nmos
Cload vout vss1 200f
vdc0 vss1 vss dc 0V
.tran 0.1n 500n 0 0.1n.
.save all @vsupply[p]
plot v(va) v(vout)
.End (7.2 KB)