Latex - Verical Space between abstract and keywords in a conference paper

In Latex, in order to put small vertical space between abstract and Index terms or keywords (or anywhere in the document) in a conference or journal paper or article, add :

\vspace{space height} e.g. \vspace{0.5cm}, \vspace{1cm} etc.

The image below shows the latex pdf file without using \vspace{} between abstract and Index terms

The image below shows the latex pdf file after \vspace{0.5cm} between abstract and Index terms

The code for the above pdf file is (after omitting the packages and all)

       \title{ is a Great Site!}
        \author {\IEEEauthorblockN{Smita Singhal, Nikhil Agrawal}

    % make the title area
     \begin{abstract}This is to create a vertical space


    space, document, freemindscafe

    \section{Introduction}This is test introduction
