A journey from Microsoft Word to LATEX

Microsoft word is such a common word editing software that no student is untouched from it. Even I am using it happily since last 10 years. My every report, document, sheets etc were written using microsoft office.

Gradually, after enrolling in doctrate, I realize that it is quiet a difficult part to write the publications in word. All the formatting part was quiet frustating. I was spending more of my time in formatting text, images, tables, margins graphs etc.rather then the technical content of the paper. Since I was using Ubuntu, my problem became worse (to convert .odt to .doc and then loose all the fine details of original doc ).

Learning a new tool is not so easy and when I learn fro internet that LATEX is a markup language, I was a bit afraid of learning it. But, again I face the same problem of formatting agai and again in word. The solution to my problem was - LATEX!!

After 4-5 days of learning and little bit of learning i realize that this editing tool is a gem of documenting tools. If one wants to write a paper, technical report etc, he should be aware of latex. It might take a time (somewhere around 15 days, 2-3 hrs daily), but after that one can completely focus on his studying, experimenting etc.

Few softwares which I found useful during writing my publications are:

  1. Latex
    2.GNUplot - for making graphs
    3.inkscape - for formatting images (.eps, .pdf)
    4.ngspice (for running my experiments)

The commandfor installing the above tools on ubuntu are as follows:

  • Commands for installing LATEX on ubuntu (mine was 12.04)

sudo apt-get install texlive-base biblatex(enter) sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-recommended(enter)

There are few more packages of LATEX that canbe installed, but I had install only the above one uptil now.

  • Command for installing gnuplot

$ sudo apt-get install gnuplot(enter)

  • Commad for installing inkscape:
    sudo apt-get update (enter) sudo apt-get install inkscape (enter)

-command for installing ngspice:
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